A various and sundry collection of the things that I find particularly awesome, from my creeping on the web. I aim but to please and amuse! If YOU have found something particularly awesome you would like to share with me, by all means do! You can find a contact link to me on the sidebar.
Friday, September 30, 2011
Wednesday, September 28, 2011

I have never in my life seen something more adorably awesome than this little beast.....
Monday, September 26, 2011
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Oh, but wait!!.....
There's MORE!!
Don't you just LOVE Halloween!!! Playing dress-up is FUN!!!
The age-old debate continues...
I just don't think I could decide....
Decisions, decisions...... <sigh>
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Candy, ghosts, bats....PERFECT
Halloween original ACEO by Ennaedwyn
Ok, I admit it...I know the artist. Doesn't change the fact that she paints absolute awesomeness ALL the TIME!! Each year she releases a special set...a diversion from the norm, if you will. "Boo-kins" she calls them. They are little ghosties in various fall/Halloween poses. I have MOST of the original set from last year...they. are. so. kewl. These little artist trading cards frame really well when you put multiples together. I am about to DIE wanting her candy-cane ones from this year's collection...alas. I am broke. <pouts> But, maybe one of you will be lucky enough to snag one before they sell out like last year! :D
Ok...this is something I NEED....this could even be deductable as an office expense...
Dr. Who Sonic Screwdriver Pen
Ok, I know not EVERYONE knows this about me...but I am kinda a pen whore....no really. I have a ridiculous collection of all kinds of pens....silly pens, useful pens, a HUGE collection of drug rep pens (actually bought off ebay...). So it's kinda my THING. Therefore, with that in mind, I hereby declare this particular pen to have awesomeness.
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